Olsanska Street, Prague 3

Client: IPR Praha


Landscape Architects: Land05

Transport Engineer: Syrovy – dopravni atelier

Water Management: Lukas Novak

Vizualization: sdar

The aim was to completely transform Olšanská Street into a full-fledged city boulevard of the 21st century. A brand-new traffic design, inclusion of cycle lanes, planting of new tree alleyways, and creation of living parterres surrounding the existing buildings are planned to change the feel of this highly functional but unsightly street. All of this was possible thanks to intensive interdisciplinary cooperation lasting over a year, which was the key to creating a high-quality living space.

 To achieve an optimal design of the street level as well as the underground spaces and to plant mature trees public consultation with the citizens as well as many other stakeholders was essential. As a part of this process, we met with all network administrators, the public authorities as well as the people whose life is to be directly impacted by the design.

 Mature trees need to be provided with connected root paths filled with a structural substrate. Thanks to this, a large amount of rainwater can be retained in the area, one of the principles of sustainable rainwater management (RWM). By returning a large area of the original pond to Prokopova Street intersection we will contribute to the natural cooling of the city in the hot times of the year. New walking paths through the existing development strengthened the transverse connections in the area and inspired us to design a few smaller parks between the buildings.

 A new linear park design connecting Želivského Street with the intersection at the Church of St. Rocha was only possible thanks to positive cooperation with Olsanske Cemetery management. The park will offer facilities for short-term recreation not only to existing residents of the new housing development but also to their children who will grow up here. The beautiful crowns of already mature trees right behind Olsanske Cemetery walls can be seen from this newly designed park. We firmly believe in the city's success in turning the study into reality and rejuvenating this part of Prague 3 to everyone’s joy.